How to choose the right diet for you

High carb, low carb, no fat, keto, Atkins, the whole 30, tracking macros, calorie counting, the list goes on and on!

When choosing the correct diet for you it is important to ask yourself a number of questions in order to do so. The first thing to ask yourself is whether you have any health concerns. This can also be any digestive problems, IBS, thyroid issues, etc. If so, it is important to try and correct these issues before beginning a new diet program. Another question to ask yourself is what foods you think works best for you, and what makes you feel good based on experience. For me, this was cutting out most dairy and meat products as I could not digest them well and would bloat or break out.

How is your lifestyle? If you are unable to meal prep or need quick foods, then the "busy girls meal plan" may work well for you. However, if you are able to prep your own meals and somewhat enjoy cooking, then one of the other plans will work best. Now, ask yourself, are you a vegan or pescatarian? If not, then the regular women's or men fat-loss plan will fit you.

Next, how long are you willing to stick to a diet? Are you willing to weigh out your food and change your eating habits? Before you begin a plan it is important to be realistic with yourself and your goals. If you want a plan that will help you get ready for a special occasion, or that is more hands on then a customized 6 week or 12 week plan will work best! This will allow you to stay on top of things with extra guidance so you are continuously progressing!

It does not matter whether you follow any specific diet plan. All diet plans will work as long as calories and macro nutrients are in check, and as long as you are being consistent. It all comes down to calories in vs. calories out, as well as how your body digests food. Remember that your training plan must be in check as it goes hand in hand with nutrition. You want a diet plan that is sustainable for you and your lifestyle. You do not want to finish an intense diet plan and want to binge, undoing all of your progress. If this has happened in the past, then its best to find a lifestyle or customized plan vs. a weight loss plan. When it comes to dieting, it is all about trial and error. Some things work and some things do not. The key is to be patient with yourself and stay motivated!


Tags: recipes

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